Thai whore from Pattaya doing first porn video
The crew of Asian Apple Seed really knows how to sweet talk all their performers to really do hardcore sex action. Most of the performers are hookers around Pattaya and Bangkok area. Some of their videos I do find a bit over the top and kinda surprised that the Thai hookers even agree to do all that. Like getting fucked while being chained, sucking the cock after it was inserted her pussy and all. When I used the word over the top, I wasn’t indicating it was offensive and not good, I just wanted to say it is super kinky and surely will turn on everybody.
Total Pics: 15
Title: Thai whore from Pattaya doing first porn video
Submited by: Angel
Category: Asian Apple Seed, Thai Porn
Added on: December 30th, 2012
Views: 31,083 views